

Love Venetian Interiors? We are your one-stop blog for your perfect Venetian plaster, with expert advice on how to level up your interiors

Polished plaster finishes: 5 different polished plaster finishes.

Effects, Venetian Plaster

Want to learn about polished plaster and all the variations available, here are five of them for you.

As the need for Venetian plaster increases more finishes are being made.

And one the unique features of polished plaster is your ability to achieve a different outlook of your choice even with similar materials.

There are various polished plaster finishes out there but for this article we are going to be sharing with you 5 of these finishes.

Bespoke Polished Plaster Finishes:

This is one benefit of choosing deLux Bespoke Interiors, we provide you with the polished plaster of your choice, designed just to suit your personality and status

Bespoke polished plaster finishes is the finishes that is tailored to meet your interior desires and personal choice, and this is uniqueness at its peak

Concrete Plaster finishes

This finishing is the best option for commercial building as it provides more space in the building and leaves the wall with a solid and long lasting strong outlook.

As we all know, concrete is used for the floor to hold it together, when used as a plaster it will last longer too and give the warm and cozy finish.


Made of marble and natural lime effect, marmorino is the most used Venetian plaster finishes, because of its extra smooth surface.

And it can also be used for both interior and exterior decor.

Branding polished plaster

Your brand is what differentiates you from everyone out there, and guess what? you can communicate your branding through your interiors.

Branding polished plaster is the Venetian art finishing that can be found in work spaces, home offices etc.

The goal of this finishing is to prove a point “Communicate your brand” and this can be achieved with the color of choice, textures and designs.

Lucidato polished plaster finishes

Lucidato polished plaster is a super reflective like glass finishes from the angle view , 

This is luxury personified as it leaves anyone that comes across it in awe

This finishing is suitable for both commercial and residential settings

Whether this is your first time learning about polished plaster or you’ve planned to give it a try, you definitely need the expertise of highly skilled craftsmen with experience to give you the result you desire.

At deLux Bespoke Interiors we offer bespoke interior services with these different polished plaster finishes of your choice and we have the best team of skilled professionals that can make your dream a reality.

Book a call today and get started